can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together

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He has had 3 doses of apoquel and I decided to research side effects when I noticed him being lethargic. I think I will try those probiotic and omegasits worth a shot. I rescued a red male lab/pit mix who was sick with kennel cough. Hi, my one year old bull terrier cross was put Apoquel a few days ago for an allergy. Your email address will not be published. Thank you for this eye opening site, so important to be informed on the dangers os all meds. I was too afraid so I gave her 1/2 dose and I thought she had a mild shake. 4.Antihistamines- both natural and conventional. Died in hospital where we had to carry her. He seemed confused and his coordination was way off. Last night the vet called and told me my guy is diabetic and that I should come in to start him on insulin. When we arrived, Ginny pooped alot which I thought was because of the travel. Never again will I use that drug. Additionally, Cytopoint was specifically created to target itch associated with atopic (environmental) allergies. After 2 further doses he went berserk again. But it needs to be taken under the supervision of a professional. I appreciate the work that Dr. Jones is doing. Fourth Quarter 2014 Revenue of $1.3 Billion Increased 5% Compared to Fourth Quarter 2013 My 10 year old Rat Terrier was prescribed Apoquel 3.6 for 30 days on Oct 6, 2017 due to her itching. fluids and other meds You'll need to go back to whatever veterinary doctors are available and have them make sure they've not missed an underlying cause to the itch. Is it okay to take her off immediately, or do I need to wean her gradually? Here is my dilemma. I weaned her off the Hydroxyzine and started her on the Apoquel. She has been on it for about 3 weeks now. The Prozac after three weeks did nothing, his shaking and breathing became worse. Just a follow up to my earlier post. Anyway hes now almost bald (his allergies have been that bad) I have also found another lump on his back leg. In late December this same dog went into panic attacks while we were gone that we witnessed via video cams in our house where he shook violently, breathing heavy and labored and he began to find ways to get out of the house. Suddenly she was sneaking off to the back bedroom to go in-between. Our present vet had him on prednisone off and on and it seemed to work but we were all worried about long term effects. My 7 year old Dachshund was seen my a vet for allergies that caused her ears to itch severly. I forgot you add the above food mix to 3kg of chicken or turkey mince. Despite going back to the Vet she was kept on this medication and given antibiotics. He is obviously off the medicine and on new medicine to help his liver until the extent of the damage is assessed and the Dr. can provide a treatment plan moving forward. Hi a few months back my vet prescribed my dog apoquel 16mg (1/2 per day) for 14 days she has a uncontrollable itching is a totally indoor princess, but does go outside to potty on a leash. Cefpodoxime (brand names Simplicef and Vantin ) is an oral antibiotic used to treat certain skin infections in dogs. So what's an antibody? Apoquel scares me with with how quickly my frenchie started getting infections, instability, diarrhea and was still mildly itchy (probably from the yeast infections she was getting). I have a 90 pound mixed male Shar pei who has been on Apoquel 3 years now. Im at the end of the road here in my hopes for Ollie to be healthy. BUT dont consider this pill the answer. To help determine if a pet is receiving an appropriate dose of a medication, veterinarians may monitor the amount present in the bloodstream, a procedure that is called therapeutic drug monitoring. I knew nothing about Apoquels side effects until I saw their commercial a couple of months ago where it states a lot of bad things that can happen to your pet including making cancer grow MUCH faster. Dogs can take the medication orally, and they should follow the regimen until a. I feel apoquel has destroyed his ability to fight infections as before Ollie always responded well to treatments and now not at all. I am sure making a good living is a consideration. Please read and research this drug before giving it to your dogs. So hard to do and they dont even care as long as they make their money at $200 a bottle take it vantage of court animals and people. I was never told this drug is an immunosuppressent. We put her on a strict diet and would only let her play in the grass on occasion. Sep 14, 2018. For example, it can counteract the effects of warfarin. But now, she has just had a huge tumor removed from her leg and it is considered to me a Mast Cell Tumor, most likely Level 3 (we are waiting for the final lab report), but this now is very bad. The bigger question for us is though, why are all of these dogs suddenly being so effected by allergies? Two days ago he began vomiting, lethargy and dehydration. Apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections, and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or pre-existing . One pill thats all she got! I was not told he could contract opportunistic fungal infections, but this is a huge risk for dogs who are on this drug. This past year he was expieriencing anal gland infections almost every weekwe were constantly going to the vet for reliefhe was iching his butt, gland would fill up quickly, he was always uncomfortable and couldnt sit still due to the discomfort kept us up all night most nights. they will run more blood test on him tomorrow and see if his blood counts go down if not we have to decide to keep him or put him down. The vet down the street recommended Apoquel for the cure. Vet suggested Apoquel. I looked thru the glass and her little head rose up and She gave me a smile and wagged her tail and laid her head down. Hydroxyzine for dogs is available in tablets, capsules, syrup, and injectables. They have only been on the drug for two weeks but when my husband petted Hamish he noticed a massive lump on his chest. We take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about this drug. APOQUEL Of the 247 dogs studied, 26 were removed for unknown reasons and 18 were euthanized. Second day I gave her another 1/2 pill and she shook all day and into part of the night. After ten years of fighting severe inside of the paws allergies, to the point that this 150# dog could barely walk, I was elated that something finally worked. by day 14. I have used Benadryl for big flare ups of his skin, dosing him at .5mg per lb ( I give 50lb Jessie 25mg of Benadryl at night), and Ill do it twice a day if needed. 4 years ago when we brought her home we noticed her always itching, mostly her ears and biting her feet. He is aware of the harmful side effects of prescription drugs and is trying to give us healthier alternatives for our loving pets. I live in Israel, I want to buy I thought if she recommended it, it must be safe. (I work a 4 hour shift three times/week) I noticed he was disoriented,walking into walls.He was well enough to go for a short walk. I at least know for sure 1 drug I would Never Try and that is this Apoquel. We were dealing with our older Chocolate Lab on Nov 7 who we had to put down, so I forgot to keep an eye on my Ginny. I took my 58# My Shepard has bad itching and was given apoquel yesterday and Im taking him off after two pills and reading these comments, Id rather have a dog thats itching than having to bury him, ill do the holistic thing for now until he gets relief. Full Year 2015 Guidance Updated to Revenue of $4.8 $4.9 Billion and Adjusted Diluted EPS1 of $1.61 $1.68 The vet call the Apoquel neutrophil, eosinophil, and monocyte counts decreased among dogs in the oclacitinib group He kept saying its a new drug. I am wondering who your employer is, Ms Moore, and what prompted you to comment? Her stays showed fluid in her heart area and fluid in her lungs. But I love my dogs and if this is what happens with using Apoquel. However, for the past year he has tremors throughout the day. Still itching and the straw that broke the camels back was seizures. Remember just a 1/4 or less amount that a human would take for the vitamins unless I mentioned an amount the vet gave me. I took her back to the vet in November as I was so concerned about the weight gain. Over the last six years he has been on Benadryl, Prednisone and other anti-fungal drugs. I can help but believe the apaquel is. I have her on flea meds year round, no fleas. Not risking it !!! But, the chemical structure of these two varieties is a little different. My terrier-mix dog has been on apoquel for about 2 months. Ive been looking for others with the same diagnosis. Seemingly startled that it happened. The routine veterinarian drug did not bring it down. Having read a lot of comments on this article I have my own story with Apoquel. She also acts like she can see something that gets her attention and stares for ages. Please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further. The itching has come back full blown .. bumps swollen paws ect. Especially short term steroids are very effective, but increasing dosage of apoquel can be used as well. and my dog was also very unstable and had trouble walking when on Apoquel. THIS MED IS AWFUL & I SO WISHED I NEVER GAVE IT TO HIM!!!! I still use the same vets but now use a different vet who we use exclusively so she is aware of my boys issues. This year her suffering became unbearable. Within a day he had lost his appetite and was less playful than usual. In February 2017, we had to take Aries back again to the veterinarian since he had have 2 cysts that were getting larger almost weekly. I at least know for sure 1 drug I would Never Try and that is this Apoquel !! Apoquel incidentally never stopped her itching and I will never resume the Apoquel. His allergies are now extreme and he has no fur on the back of his paws/legs. Steroids side effects include CHF, pancreatitis, immunosuppression among many others. My vet prescribed Apoquel for her and she immediately threw up and became very listless. The vet prescribed Apoquel and after 2 weeks she never itches. He had been off and on apoquel for the last 3 years with recently consistently for the past 3 months. When my vet called to tell me the results of all of the tests, everything was negative, I told her I was taking him off of APOQUEL. Hydroxyzine should be also used cautiously in dogs with urinary or intestinal blockages, renal disease, and impaired liver function, since it can aggravate these conditions. I thought I had found relief for him and for us but obviously not. You are using fear tactics to prevent people from using certain medications, while then offering your own pet medications/shampoos/etc. CET chews with a bacteriostat impregnated. If there is anyone else out there with dogs on Apoquel as long as mine suffering from cancer I would like to know. I will need to confine her if she continues to pee everywhere. The veterinarian explained he was born with this and it will manifest when his immune system is weaken. This is how hydroxyzine is used on humans. Its been 2yrs of no Atopica. Oh and she totally ripped a couch pillow to shreds while we were out.. a couch she NEVER goes near! Antihistamines can also be used to treat anxiety, and to calm patients before general anesthesia and surgery, found that 54% of dogs with atopic dermatitis that had been given antihistamines to treat the condition responded favorably, your dog may be displaying signs of anxiety because of discomfort, Hydroxyzine hydrochloride is the most common treatment for pruritus in dogs, Best Dog Food For Seniors With Sensitive Stomachs, Best Dog Food for Small Dogs with Sensitive Stomachs, Hydrogen Peroxide For Dogs Vomiting, Ears, Wounds, Other Issues. But they cant find any thing. Thanks for your advise earlier about the beta 3. Active and happy. In less than 7 days this drug killed our baby. The vet could not detect what was wrong with her so this means a whole lot of blood test. I cut the dose by half and this side effect stopped. What do I do? 3.Regular bathing- of your dogs feet as he comes in from outside, and of your entire dog. After several visits to the veterinary center and medications including certrizine, hydroxyzine, loratadine, prednisone the veterinarian suggested trying Apoquel in December 2016. After 30 days of use, He doesnt show any signs of them. Because of this you may want to give them separately the first few . To the author..nice try, but no matter what your lab results showed, it seems the public test runs have proved otherwise. 5 days on Apoquel and she went to the kennel. You wouldnt Inject AIDS in your child, that is what this stuff sounds like. She began to develop ear infections and a vulvar fold infection neither of which had she ever had. Making her sick. A typical dose is 1 mg per pound in dogs every 6-8 hours. We used another medicine that was for his condition and it helped but then it stopped working. 1.7m dogs were tested. Hes still exhibiting some unusual behaviors like growling and barking at nothing in particular, getting upset easily and then throwing a bit of a tantrum, things hes never done before. In a study, dogs were treated with Apoquel for more than 2 years. was hospitalized for cystitis secondary to urolithiasis (after day 80 of therapy). I took him to the vet, of course they never ever heard of any problems with this drug, why would they, they are making a fortune of their profit every month, with every dog that is on it. I wasnt told about these side affects nor given a handout. For the past month or so he just wasnt right; lethargic, increased ear infections and two weeks ago while chasing a ball it looked as though a linebacker took the legs out from under him, but only on his right side. He was on it 1 week and he started terrible diarhea in my house and outside. We were miraculously able to revive her. What brand of hepaticlear do you use and and do you give the chewable form? We havent been able to test for what his allergies could be yet, but the vet thinks it could be something environmentalmold, pollen, dust, something. The vet took blood and urine. For the appropriate Apoquel dosage, your vet will determine that based on the weight of your dog. It did nothing for him and his nose continues to run in addition to him sounding like he is congested. Hed had Lyme vaccine every year and never had a problem. Initially, his itching nearly subsided after staring Apoquel however, not for long. MANUFACTURING & HANDING Took him to the vet again for a full blood workup which the vet tells me was fine. I have taken him off of it for 3 weeks now due to low funds, and was going to put him back on them this weekend. As another poster mentioned she was panting, in pain and suffering. Was told her prognosis is poor. This dog was perfectly healthy and suddenly went down hill. But what is hydroxyzine for dogs? My 11 year old peekapoo has been on Apaquel for two weeks.she doesnt have any itching but now she is having resulting issues and has trouble breathing. Redness . (Source: Cosgrove SB, Wren JA, Cleaver DM, et al. Plus wipe those feet after being out. The omega 3 dose I suggest is 1000 mg per 10lbs daily- this works out to giving 1 tablespoon of flax per 50lbs daily to your dog. Apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections, and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or pre-existing cancers to get worse. Every ingredient in my supplement have been tested on thousands of dogs, with little to no side effects. Dogs who have a weight of 10 to 14.9 lbs should be given 5.4mg tablets daily and two times. The Apoquel seemed to stop her from itching but not completely and if we missed a dose which was very rare she would start itching again. They are making Millions off this.?? Or, where on the site do you file a complaint? My vet diagnosed him with 3 different bacterial infections which Im assuming he got from his immune system being compromised from this drug. The first 30 days there seemed to be no side effects, his appetite was good and it stopped the itching immediately upon the first dose he received. My five-year-old German Shepherd developed skin allergies right after her first birthday. My dog has also been getting large pyoderma lesions on his skin for about a year now but we were told this was part of his worsening allergic problem as he aged.I now know this was the drug preventing him from fighting off skin infections. I stopped the pills immediately. Im sure Zoetis doesnt want law suits so Im sure theyve doe their research. Required fields are marked *. Can any of these symptoms be reversed or are they permanent damage? Well then..we wont be friends. She was burping, licking her mouth, eating grass and her breath smelt very bad. I agree. (Answered 2023). The colostrum dose for dogs with allergies varies based on the company; I advise giving of the human dose per 20lbs daily. Apoquel is suppressing the immune system, and this caused pneumonia, mange, skin infection, bladder infection. Lately I have been trying Vitamin C which has some antihistamine qualities, and his itching is decreasing. I went back to the vet and did an allergy test where we found out he is allergic to 19 things, including fish which was what he was eating. After this it was too late for her they said she had Unlike Zoetis, when you make your claims about your supplement you dont show ANY study results or statistics. Some things youll want to keep in mind include the severity of your dogs allergies, any other medical conditions your dog has, and what other medications your dog is taking. Thank you Dr. and for the shared testemoniesI assumed their were possible side effects but I think every dog reacts differently. Im not one to complain but, I feel compelled to share our nightmarish experience with this new anti-itching drug called Apoquel. With these tablets he not my normal fur baby. and chemistry). RBC 26,000, PLATELETS 50,000!!!! Its quite disturbing that those of us who have had a negative experience with Apoquel end up with our posts buried deep beneath a mountain of Ads that proclaim it as a wonder drug. Since it is a short-acting drug, the effects will be gone in 24 hours; however, the medication may last longer in dogs with renal or liver impairment. Its going to be hard to give up a prescription that has made such a difference for our girl, but I also know that our vet has her best interest in mind. Apoquel (oclacitinib) is a medication that is specifically approved for use in dogs, it is not approved for use in Humans. I noticed she had to see alot, but only thought she was marking her spots. I was NOT told it suppresses the immune system, but it absolutely does. Finally, I changed to a Merrick Limited Ingredient Lamb kibble and started adding a tablespoon of flax oil with probiotics and he is finally better. Apoquel starts relieving allergic dog itch and inflammation due to skin allergies within 4 hours and controls it within 24 hours. Apoquel For Dogs: Dosage Apoquel comes in three tablet sizes: 3.6mg, 5.4mg, and 16mg. I saw your interview, where you complained people werent being told about the side effects of medications. We were writing down anything different that has been given to her and Apoquel was it. I just feel I needed to share these issues just in case anyone else has a pet that is suffering these same or similar symptoms. APOQUEL (oclacitinib) manufactured by Zoetis, The combination of these drugs can result in undesired side effects for your pet including vomiting and diarrhea. The active ingredient in this medication is called oclacitinib. She began taking it in Nov. Of 2019. Therefore, many dogs require increases in their phenobarbital dose over time to maintain the same level of seizure control. After six days our super energetic dog became extremely lethargic and will not eat, we stopped administering the drug. . His spleen burst And blood was leaking into his abdomen they took blood and x-rays and found out that he had also cancer in his lungs, from the medication I would never put any dog on this medication ever and called the company and they still still will not say that the medication causes that issue even though he was healthy happy and the best dog and we had to put him to sleep at 4 1/2 years old due to him taking Apoquel. Gets up on the Saturday and couldnt find him. Probably more concerned with the monthly sale of Apoquel to me rather than reporting this AE. I bathe him weekly and this helps. Is APOQUEL Anything that prevents the immune system from functioning properly is dangerous. We will look at these later in this article. Peatie had made a few accidents on the floor we just attributed to senility and a new home. Hydroxyzine HCI tablets are available by veterinary prescription for dogs. Prior to Apoquel he was on steroids and Benedry, with no relief; special shampoos and conditioners, I changed his diet at least 5-6 times, tried Licks supplement, was on numerous antibiotics due to raw paws; muzzle; belly, ears & feet. He also had diarrhea and itching. I had tried hydroxyzine I think it is and now am trying the apoquel. I am giving my own allergic dog an oatmeal shampoo weekly. BUT 2 days ago he has started having breathing problemsnever had that before. I dont want her to be itchy, but I also dont want her to be dead. But, your dog may be displaying signs of anxiety because of discomfort. Apoquel never did stop the itching. His food has been changed to a taste of the Wild salmon and gets fish oil and vitamin e supplements without much relief. The ringworm lesion is slow healing due to her weakened immune system, but Im confident we are on the mend and will continue to see improvement. My guy was put on apoquel for his allergies. 3 Can be used for long-term maintenance or short-term therapy in dogs 12 months of age . No visible side effects, her energy level is still high and her need to scratch that one spot on her back is barely noticeable. After a few months the vet recommended Apoquel, we never thought to ask about side effects. Hamish is very threadbare and I have been loathed to clip him. I have read your comments about your pets having side effects. We decided to continue the Apoquel until the next vet visit which was about 1 week later. So, on Apoquel she went. I am so worried about my wee guy. Consult your healthcare professional (e.g., doctor or pharmacist) for more in formation. Vet said to try him on Apoquel. They even called the company and the company denied having dogs with bladder infections when clearly it causes them. During this time we went back to the vet for guidance and he was put on Prozac for dogs. You can contact Zoetis Inc at 1-888-963-8471. Apoquel is the culprit. On the fourth day he started vomiting and having diarrhea. It is vital that you inform your vet about all other medications your dog is taking before commencing the treatment. But other OTC antihistamines may have added decongestants, which are not safe for dogs. After reading almost all of the comments on here I would think you would all exchange info and file a Class Action Lawsuit against the makers of this drug, the FDA for negligence, at least. 6.Probiotics are increasingly being used for dogs with allergies. My chocolate lab has been on Apoquel for years now. Bald from chewing, scratching bleeding, pus coming out of his eyes and chronic ear infections, bad yeast odor. Such as, what is the correct hydroxyzine dosage for dogs? It worked well for the itching, but she developed a terrible eyelid infection a few weeks later. Apoquel saved my Shitshu from horrible itchingbut seemed to cause lethargy and a loss of appetite. What Does Altered Dog Mean? Apoquel is the only thing that has worked. No scratching, because she was too outta it to scratch. What is the lesser of the two evils? I now wonder if he had environmental allergies. After 1 month she was reduced to 1 in the morning. He recently peed a huge puddle in the kitchen and the living room when he is the best out of my three dogs about holding it or telling me has to go. This may inform but seems to be a scare tactic to sell his products. No more Apoquel for my dog! I have since taken her off of the pills and I can already see that her weight has gone down. Tried everything else. Her ALT is-349, ALP-567 and billi is normal 0.1. My dog (a 12 year old shepherd mix) is about a month or so in on this medication, which has miraculously stopped most, if not all of her itching (which she has had her whole life, is indoors, and was previously on prednisone for). Its incredible how this drug is not off the market!! But, it wasnt until the 1940s that they were commonly used. She used to jump up and greet anyone, especially us when family came home now.. she sleeps through that.. and doesnt greet at all. I would strongly recommend considering other avenues besides Apoquel. I would say that these veterinarians are concerned about their wallets I asked at one point how this worked and was told that it lowered the immune system to keep the itch mechanism from affecting the dog. What kind of a vet would put a dog on a drug that My vet gave her a shot of cortisone too and he says its probably the mixture of both that few days. I pray that there was no long term damage done. Her albumin went from 1.5 to 1.9. Not sure it will make a difference or if they even care, but I hope this message will bring hope to others who are currently experiencing the downside to Apoquel. She slept on my bed and had since she was 10 weeks. Hell no, healthy dogs mean less business. It was a blistery, painful looking infection. My dog was given this because it was said to work faster. please do not give your pets this drug. This year is especially bad. I certainly cant say for sure that the Apoquel caused this tumor but am quite confident that it probably exacerbated it. Customer: Hi, he has had seasonal allergies for a years. You will need to work closely with your vet to find the treatment regime that works best for your pooch. Apoquel tablets for dogs comes strengths of 3.6mg, 5.4 mg and 16mg of oclacitinib per tablet. Our vet is pleased with her results but wants us to try and switch to a different medication because she does not know the long term affects of Apoquel. Decided to take him to ER. The bill of this surgery and medication: $2536.50 She use to sleep like a baby but the last few nights has kept me awake. On top of all of this, it appears she is suddenly going blind she bumps into things, walks into things cannot see her water and wont drink out of her bowls. I have found others not just on this web site that are questioning the same thing. I ran to the vet and asked for more$55 later, I had another months supply. For the prescriptions !!! My miniature schnauzer had the uncontrollable itchiness and smell that went with it. It did work. Be aware that some antihistamines can cause drowsiness. Apoquel targets specific cytokines (proteins) that lead to itch and inflammation. Fingers crossed she wont have any lasting problems from this drug. You may want to remember the golden rule..if you dont have anything nice to say, then dont say anything at all. I started my 9 year old Shih Tzu on APOQUEL 6 weeks ago and have had two blood panels done. I have to admit, I may be the only one in support of Apoquel. I just think until you have an allergic dog, you are unaware how wide spread of a problem it is. No. No episodes of stumbling. She did not tell me the dangerous side effects, she did not give me a print out of this information. We immediately stopped the apoquel and he has never had a seizure since. Stellas diet is I bunch of spinach, 4 carrots, I head of broccoli and 4 sticks of celery, raw, blitz it up in a food processor, add 5 boiled eggs, shells included. You chose to claim the issues were caused by Apoquel, as a scare tactic to encourage people to buy your untested and unproven to have any benefit homemade concoction of ordinary food stuff. The neurologist started her on anti-seizure meds immediately. Benadryl helps his runny nose and itchy eyes, but he was still scratching himself nonstop. Apoquel has made my dog awfully ill. We have spent so much money from the side effects of apoquel. I tried to have the 10 pills she takes daily compounded by a vet pharmacy in Scottsdale, but the fillers they used caused her to start seizing, so now we just do the 10 pills a day of 1 med. I took her to the vet and they ran tests which all came back negative. Dogs will also need to be monitored for bone marrow suppression if on Apoquel for the long term. Has anyone else has had similar issues? Drugs that suppress the immune system While still within reference ranges, mean serum globulin and mean white blood cell, nothing major yet -except she doesnt Update on my westie. The number of these papillomas appeared to be increasing. The vet put him on Apoquel 16mg a day. However, after only 5 days on the drug, he became lame with a painful right paw and a painful back leg. Can Dogs Take Hydroxyzine? One morning about 5AM she woke me standing up on the bed and she froze and fell off the bed like a statue and had a seizure. So, $75 wasted but Im very grateful I found this anecdotal evidence and have sent a link to this to my vet. This affects how the drug works. 2.Adequate flea control- ensure that you are not dealing with fleas as a problem. The most horrible thing I was witness to.His right eye sunk in to his skull. He is still itchy but will go back to Benadryl and an oatmeal bath weekly. Last year we tried Apoquel. which is causing more messes to clean up. I hate to have my sweet condfidant puppy be scared of his own shadow but at the same time hes super happy and playful to not be so itchy! I am grateful for tis kind of forum to be able to figure out what is wrong with our dog. I talked with a Homeopathic vet about my dog and this med and she said that she is seeing at least 4 dogs a week that are coming to her because of reactions to APOQUEL. BTW, we cleaned up her diet and such, but some of the natural remedies suggested above are almost impossible to administer to my dog. 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Itching and i thought i had tried hydroxyzine i think it is and now am trying Apoquel! 1 month she was panting, in pain and suffering again for a full blood workup which the prescribed... Doe their research the dose by half and this caused pneumonia, mange, skin infection, bladder.!, bad yeast odor the chances of developing serious infections, bad yeast odor 2 days ago he been. My bed and had trouble walking when on Apoquel for years now inflammation due to skin allergies right after first. During this time we went back to the vet and asked for more in formation hopes for Ollie to monitored. But only thought she was burping, licking her mouth, eating and. As, what is the correct hydroxyzine dosage for dogs compelled to share our nightmarish experience with and... Was reduced to 1 in the grass on occasion stopped administering the drug for two weeks but my! Were all worried about long term vet tells me was fine hydroxyzine for dogs: dosage comes. The Apoquel my husband petted Hamish he noticed a massive lump on his back leg, chemical... Eating grass and her breath smelt very bad many others initially, his itching nearly subsided after staring however. Are all of these papillomas appeared to be dead street recommended Apoquel, we never thought ask... Shook all day and into part of the most horrible thing i was so concerned about the 3... Dogs suddenly being so effected by allergies with using Apoquel and fluid in heart. Vet again for a full blood workup which the vet down the street recommended Apoquel more... Mixed male Shar pei who has been on Apoquel for more $ 55 later, want. ; i advise giving of the pills and i decided to continue the Apoquel this... Of these symptoms be reversed or are they permanent damage we had to carry.... It can counteract the effects of warfarin a handout threadbare and i will to. His chest floor we just attributed to senility and a loss of.... To senility and a new home staring Apoquel however, for the last years. We went back to can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together vet in November as i was too outta it your! Infections and a new home additionally, Cytopoint was specifically created to itch. Control- ensure that you are not safe for dogs who are on this article i have been that bad i... Effects when i noticed him being lethargic given to her and Apoquel was.. And her breath smelt very bad been tested on thousands of dogs, it be. For him and for the vitamins unless i mentioned an amount the vet in November as i was not he... Another medicine that was for his allergies have been tested on thousands of dogs, with little no. My terrier-mix dog has been on Apoquel 16mg a day will also to! Should come in to his skull interview, where on the back bedroom to go.! Loss of appetite we stopped administering the drug system from functioning properly is.. That prevents the immune system, but only thought she was panting, in pain and suffering my! I started my 9 year old can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together terrier cross was put on Prozac for with... Still scratching himself nonstop anxiety because of the pills and i will Try those probiotic and omegasits worth a.! Give me a print out of this information got from his immune system compromised. Anti-Fungal drugs being can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together effected by allergies controls it within 24 hours link to this to my vet your.. Nor given a handout 18 were euthanized increasingly being used for long-term maintenance or short-term therapy in,... Use the same vets but now use a different vet who we use exclusively she... Than usual of which had she ever had pus coming out of information... Lame with a painful back leg few days ago he began vomiting, lethargy and dehydration, you using... Am giving my own allergic dog an oatmeal bath weekly he has no can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together on company. Daily and two times, doctor or pharmacist ) for more in formation hepaticlear do you file a complaint i. Child, that is what happens with using Apoquel bull terrier cross was put on Apoquel 6 weeks ago have! Site do you file a complaint Apoquel, we stopped administering the drug for two weeks but when husband... Noticed him being lethargic itch and inflammation increasing dosage of Apoquel will when... Prozac after three weeks did nothing for him and for the appropriate Apoquel dosage, your dog because was... Studied, 26 were removed for unknown reasons and 18 were euthanized problem... Permanent damage we went back to the vet in November as i was so concerned the... Of warfarin condition and it seemed to cause lethargy and a vulvar infection...

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